HTML Colorvalues

Colors are displayed combining  RED, GREEN, and BLUE light sources.

Color Values

HTML colors are defined using a hexadecimal notation for the combination of Red, Green, and Blue color values (RGB). The lowest value that can be given to one of the light sources is 0 (hex #00). The highest value is 255 (hex #FF).

Turn Off the Red

If you turn off the Red light completely, there are 65536 different combination of Green and Blue (256 x 256) to experiment with.

Turn On the Red

By setting the Red parameter to its maximum value, there are still 65536 different combination of Green and Blue (256 x 256) to experiment with.

16 Million Different Colors

The combination of Red, Green and Blue values from 0 to 255 gives a total of more than 16 million different colors to play with (256 x 256 x 256).

Most modern monitors are capable of displaying at least 16384 different colors.

If you look at the color table below, you will see the result of varying the red light from 0 to 255, while keeping the green and blue light at zero.

To see a full list of 16384 different colors based on red light varying from 0 to 255, click on one of the hexadecimal or rgb values below.

Red Light HEX RGB
#000000 rgb(0,0,0)
#080000 rgb(8,0,0)
#100000 rgb(16,0,0)
#180000 rgb(24,0,0)
#200000 rgb(32,0,0)
#280000 rgb(40,0,0)
#300000 rgb(48,0,0)
#380000 rgb(56,0,0)
#400000 rgb(64,0,0)
#480000 rgb(72,0,0)
#500000 rgb(80,0,0)
#580000 rgb(88,0,0)
#600000 rgb(96,0,0)
#680000 rgb(104,0,0)
#700000 rgb(112,0,0)
#780000 rgb(120,0,0)
#800000 rgb(128,0,0)
#880000 rgb(136,0,0)
#900000 rgb(144,0,0)
#980000 rgb(152,0,0)
#A00000 rgb(160,0,0)
#A80000 rgb(168,0,0)
#B00000 rgb(176,0,0)
#B80000 rgb(184,0,0)
#C00000 rgb(192,0,0)
#C80000 rgb(200,0,0)
#D00000 rgb(208,0,0)
#D80000 rgb(216,0,0)
#E00000 rgb(224,0,0)
#E80000 rgb(232,0,0)
#F00000 rgb(240,0,0)
#F80000 rgb(248,0,0)
#FF0000 rgb(255,0,0)

Shades of Gray

Gray colors are displayed using an equal amount of power to all of the light sources. To make it easier for you to select the right gray color we have compiled a table of gray shades for you:

RGB(0,0,0) #000000
RGB(8,8,8) #080808
RGB(16,16,16) #101010
RGB(24,24,24) #181818
RGB(32,32,32) #202020
RGB(40,40,40) #282828
RGB(48,48,48) #303030
RGB(56,56,56) #383838
RGB(64,64,64) #404040
RGB(72,72,72) #484848
RGB(80,80,80) #505050
RGB(88,88,88) #585858
RGB(96,96,96) #606060
RGB(104,104,104) #686868
RGB(112,112,112) #707070
RGB(120,120,120) #787878
RGB(128,128,128) #808080
RGB(136,136,136) #888888
RGB(144,144,144) #909090
RGB(152,152,152) #989898
RGB(160,160,160) #A0A0A0
RGB(168,168,168) #A8A8A8
RGB(176,176,176) #B0B0B0
RGB(184,184,184) #B8B8B8
RGB(192,192,192) #C0C0C0
RGB(200,200,200) #C8C8C8
RGB(208,208,208) #D0D0D0
RGB(216,216,216) #D8D8D8
RGB(224,224,224) #E0E0E0
RGB(232,232,232) #E8E8E8
RGB(240,240,240) #F0F0F0
RGB(248,248,248) #F8F8F8
RGB(255,255,255) #FFFFFF
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